Tilt Indicator

  • Tilt indicator II
  • Tilt indicator II
Tilt indicator IITilt indicator II

Tilt indicator II

  • tilt watch
  • shock indicator
  • impact indicator
  • impact indicator label
  • Product description: tilt watch , tip n tell , tip n tell tilt indicator, impact indicator, helmet impact indicator, 80g "impact indicator", packaging impact sensor indicator, head impact indicator tilt indicator, t


Tilt  indicator can easily show that the goods have ever been inclined, traversed, inverted in transport or storage, and monitor whether the goods are kept in line with the storage requirements at any time. Then effectively preventing and reducing the risk of damage to the goods during transportation. Tilt  indicator is the best choice for those goods which are required to remain upright and intact during transportation. Normal vibrations will not make it work, even the emergency take off of plane.

Therefore it has mostly been used for large-scale precision parts, refrigeration equipment, large-scale computer system, top-heavy equipment, network information system, electronic communications equipment, medical equipment, large glass products etc.Those goods have strict requirements of storage location and placement direction in transport. Such as control and monitoring of heavy machinery, large computer equipment, circuit boards, large batteries, hydraulic machines and other products of the host.

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